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Breath: Fear & Medicine - Ruth Fox & Anna Westin

We were delighted to work with Anna Westin & Ruth Fox who were Gordon House Margate artists in residence in August. Their blog post is below along with photos from their residency and exhibtion, Breath: Fear & Medicine in which they explored how a breath can be a messenger and signifier of the body's states of being, whether it is calm, happy, content or alarmed, anxious or threatened. Thanks so much for all your wonderful work! Breath: Fear & Medicine Margate-based Anna Westin, a singer/songwriter and philosopher, and Ruth Fox, a textiles and sound artist collaborated on  'Breath: Fear & Medicine' a week-long art residency which culminated in a Gordon House debut exhibition, opening the space to the public for the first time after a successful private view event on 23rd August 2018 Ruth and Anna used the rooms and caves in the basement of Gordon House Margate to investigate the inner unity and inner conflict of the breath, through art...

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